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Kilauea, Big Island, HI

After being inspired by the experience of live lava on Mt. Erebus a few years ago (pictures on this site), I stopped on the Big Island of Hawaii on the way home to check out a different kind of hot lava.
I spent 3 weeks living out of the rental car and exploring Volcanoes National Park plus a couple days on the Puna coast when the Park was closed because of toxic gases during a wind shift.
There are two areas of current volcanic activity: the decades-long flow from Pu'uO'o, a vent along the rift zone off of Kilauea. The lava starts de-gassing the Pu'uO'o vent then flows in lava tubes for miles, by the subdivision and out at the "ocean entries", where the state has set up a viewing area.
The other is the recent ash/gas eruption in the Halema'uma'u sub-crater on Kilauea proper, below the Hawaii Volcanoes Observatory. There is great interest as no one knows what it will do. The downwind part of the Park is closed and the plume creates a great deal of gasey volcanic fog on the island.
I enjoyed an amazing trip to a unique place on our lively planet. Recommended if you're into this sort of thing! Click on any photo to see it larger.
Hanging out 'in camp', lots of great reading
Hanging out 'in camp', lots of great reading
Another meal overlooking Kilauea Iki crater
Another meal overlooking Kilauea Iki crater
Incredible local sweet potatoes, lady finger bananas
Incredible local sweet potatoes, "lady finger" bananas
Kilauea Iki cinder/ash cone and crater
Kilauea Iki cinder/ash cone and crater
Halema'uma'u plume and resultant vog volcanic fog
Halema'uma'u plume and resultant "vog" volcanic fog
Kilauea Iki (little Kilauea) cinder/ash cone (1959)
Kilauea Iki ("little Kilauea") cinder/ash cone (1959)
Coring of crater floor to see if lava solidified
Coring of crater floor to see if lava solidified
Scientific instruments on Mauna Ulu (1974 eruption)
Scientific instruments on Mauna Ulu (1974 eruption)
Lava gets its way, also called repaving
Lava gets its way, also called "repaving"
Wrinkles folding on pahoehoe surface
Wrinkles folding on pahoehoe surface
Whirly surface
Whirly surface
Guts!  Or is it brains?
Guts! Or is it brains?
You decide what this looks like
You decide what this looks like
Ropey pahoehoe surface flow
Ropey pahoehoe surface flow
Surface cools, interior keeps flowing
Surface cools, interior keeps flowing
Smooth flow with turbulent center surface
Smooth flow with turbulent center surface
Pahoehoe & heinous-travel loose a'a on R
Pahoehoe & heinous-travel loose a'a on R
Pahoehoe and a'a are essentialy identical chemically
Pahoehoe and a'a are essentialy identical chemically
Flow channel, small lava tube formed within
Flow channel, small lava tube formed within
Larger lava flow channel
Larger lava flow channel
Spatter along edge of lava channel
Spatter along edge of lava channel
Irridescence in lava rock
Irridescence in lava rock
Reticulite, like pumice, but more extreme
Reticulite, like pumice, but more extreme
The tree island mentioned in my story
The tree island mentioned in my story
Tree isl w/i subdivision, smoking lava
Tree isl w/i subdivision, smoking lava
This (distant) was my 1st crossings (story)
This (distant) was my 1st crossings (story)
Future tree molds when trees are gone
Future "tree molds" when trees are gone
Flightseeing, one of many I hid from (story)
Flightseeing, one of many I hid from (story)
Hot, sooty travel up the left edge by that house
Hot, sooty travel up the left edge by that house
The smoky nasty a'a I crossed
The smoky nasty a'a I crossed
Large lava tube hidden below surface
Large lava tube hidden below surface
Lava tube below feeds the 3 ocean entries
Lava tube below feeds the 3 "ocean entries"
Easy-travel, metallic-smelling pahoehoe
Easy-travel, metallic-smelling pahoehoe
Halema'uma'u plume foretelling wind shift, park closure
Halema'uma'u plume foretelling wind shift, park closure
This was a wonderful sighting!
This was a wonderful sighting!
Hot springs, like most volcanic areas
Hot springs, like most volcanic areas
Imua, who helped me learn about coconuts
Imua, who helped me learn about coconuts
I wrestled the fibers off, he cracked lid with rock
I wrestled the fibers off, he cracked lid with rock
What a novelty, the ultimate in fresh coconut milk
What a novelty, the ultimate in fresh coconut milk
The meat is soft, slippery, jelly-like, tasty
The "meat" is soft, slippery, jelly-like, tasty
Imua using his coconut hook
Imua using his coconut hook
Using piece of outside to scrap up the meat
Using piece of outside to scrap up the "meat"
Machetes work great to open coconuts
Machetes work great to open coconuts
Ate a week's worth of saturated fat this morning
Ate a week's worth of saturated fat this morning
Coconut grove by coast
Coconut grove by coast
Decades or more of harvest debris
Decades or more of harvest debris
How they sprout
How they sprout
Kapaho tide pools
Kapaho tide pools
Sub-pool on old lava
Sub-pool on old lava
Coral and striped fish
Coral and striped fish
Sea urchins eating holes into coral
Sea urchins eating holes into coral
Great snorkeling here
Great snorkeling here
Beautiful! despite lame photo
Beautiful! despite lame photo
Great to be here at low tide
Great to be here at low tide
More myterious coral
More myterious coral
Some kind of brain coral(s?)
Some kind of brain coral(s?)
WHAT is this?  Renee says pencil urchin.  Thx!
WHAT is this? Renee says "pencil urchin". Thx!
Tree molds from burned out trees
Tree molds from burned out trees
Another tree mold
Another tree mold
These were along/below the above tree island
These were along/below the above tree island
Base of a lava tree: lava stuck, mostly fell off
Base of a "lava tree": lava stuck, mostly fell off
Lava tree many decades later
Lava tree many decades later
Bigger lava tree now overgrown
Bigger lava tree now overgrown
Lava tree still with tree!  1974 flow
Lava tree still with tree! 1974 flow
Can see the bark imprint
Can see the bark imprint
Some of the lava stuck, some fell off
Some of the lava stuck, some fell off
Spatter on this one: next to fissure
Spatter on this one: next to fissure
This was an O'hia forest, native tree
This was an O'hia forest, native tree
Lava might have flowed back into source
Lava might have flowed back into source
Can see the fissure where the lava flowed from
Can see the fissure where the lava flowed from
Spatter around crack that lava shot out from
Spatter around crack that lava shot out from
Another cool spatter cone and source-hole
Another cool spatter cone and source-hole
Spatter directly related to giraffe color patterns
Spatter directly related to giraffe color patterns
Pu'uO'o, w/ wind as wish it had been that night (see story)
Pu'uO'o, w/ wind as wish it had been that night (see story)
Offical viewpoint for ocean entries
Offical viewpoint for "ocean entries"
Pu'uO'o is source of all the flowing lava
Pu'uO'o is source of all the flowing lava
All 3 ocean entries from the other side
All 3 ocean entries from the other side
Ken and others filming ocean entry
Ken and others filming ocean entry
Waves hitting the flow shoots up lava blobs
Waves hitting the flow shoots up lava blobs
On-site, blobs look like blobs, not steaks
On-site, blobs look like blobs, not steaks
We were less than 50m away
We were less than 50m away
Great to be out with a volcanologist
Great to be out with a volcanologist
This area officially off limits to public
This area officially off limits to public
Amazing sounds accompanied the visuals
Amazing sounds accompanied the visuals
Radiant heat (look at skyline) showing hole site
Radiant heat (look at skyline) showing hole site
Skylight (puka) in roof of lava tube
Skylight (puka) in roof of lava tube
Gases escape as lava flows to ocean
Gases escape as lava flows to ocean
Have to approach from upwind: heat, gases
Have to approach from upwind: heat, gases
Check out the lava-cicles!
Check out the lava-cicles!
Tossing in rocks to see the flow
Tossing in rocks to see the flow
Moving maybe 4-5mph?
Moving maybe 4-5mph?
Rock gives eye focal point in the brightness
Rock gives eye focal point in the brightness
So fun!
So fun!
Still molten close to surface
Still molten close to surface
Another skylight nearby
Another skylight nearby
The other 2; less stable edges
The other 2; less stable edges
View into fiery interior, prob 1800-1900F
View into fiery interior, prob 1800-1900F
Ken in his heat protection suit
Ken in his heat protection suit
Gathering samples for chemical analysis
Gathering samples for chemical analysis
Dumping the samples out to cool
Dumping the samples out to cool
Gathering samples of a sublimate (sublimated)
Gathering samples of a sublimate (sublimated)
Rainforest switchback
Rainforest switchback
'Ohelo, a vaccinium, like huckleberry
'Ohelo, a vaccinium, like huckleberry
O'hia tree, early colonizer
O'hia tree, early colonizer
O'hia flowers; dominant native tree
O'hia flowers; dominant native tree
Lentana; problematic alien
Lentana; problematic alien
Pothos-related giant coastal plants
Pothos-related giant coastal plants
Pothos-related, coastal forest
Pothos-related, coastal forest
Ti, planted for good luck at house doorsteps
Ti, planted for good luck at house doorsteps
Wonderful dense rich rainforests
Wonderful dense rich rainforests
Giant tree ferns, native; beautiful
Giant tree ferns, native; beautiful
Tree fern frond, 1.5m in length
Tree fern frond, 1.5m in length
Tree fern fiddleheads, 1.5m tall or so
Tree fern fiddleheads, 1.5m tall or so
Tree fern fiddlehead, bigger than my palm
Tree fern fiddlehead, bigger than my palm
Buckhorn fern, native, much smaller
Buckhorn fern, native, much smaller
Rhizome-like buckhorn fern fiddlehead
Rhizome-like buckhorn fern fiddlehead
Buckhorn fern takes over
Buckhorn fern takes over
Am'u fern, early colonizer of cooling lava
Am'u fern, early colonizer of cooling lava
Steam vent with common offerings to Pele
Steam vent with common offerings to Pele
Introduced but non-problematic orchid
Introduced but non-problematic orchid
Lava makes roads into trails
Lava makes roads into trails
Funny to find chunks of road in backcountry
Funny to find chunks of road in backcountry
Ubiquitous warnings
Ubiquitous warnings
Steam vents: hydrogen sulfide and more
Steam vents: hydrogen sulfide and more
I returned one night to the ocean entries
I returned one night to the ocean entries
Flash almost hides orange just below this surface
Flash almost hides orange just below this surface
Flowing lava on L, ocean-entry action on right
Flowing lava on L, ocean-entry action on right
This was my return now that knew hazards
This was my return now that knew hazards
This 'break-out' was near an ocean entry
This 'break-out' was near an ocean entry
This time I was alone to enjoy the magic
This time I was alone to enjoy the magic
Was actually orange, not purple
Was actually orange, not purple
Flowing close to me, I hid frm heat behind ledge
Flowing close to me, I hid frm heat behind ledge
Slow motion tip of flow, banged on it with a rock
Slow motion tip of flow, banged on it with a rock
Sounds were capitivating: creak, pop, snap
Sounds were capitivating: creak, pop, snap
Smells too, metallic, acrid but not nasty
Smells too, metallic, acrid but not nasty
Watched this slowly irregularly move, for half hour
Watched this slowly irregularly move, for half hour
Flow stops in one place, restarts elsewhere
Flow stops in one place, restarts elsewhere
More distant view
More distant view
How it might have looked by day
How it might have looked by day
Should be orange.  Night is best viewing
Should be orange. Night is best viewing
Visual, sound, scent, heat... all encompassing
Visual, sound, scent, heat... all encompassing
Yay!  Made it back to car before light
Yay! Made it back to car before light
Halema'uma'u sub-crater in main Kilauea crater
Halema'uma'u sub-crater in main Kilauea crater
This is the new eruption: ash, gas (sulfer dioxide)
This is the new eruption: ash, gas (sulfer dioxide)
Of great scientific attention: what will it do?
Of great scientific attention: what will it do?
Wind change blew toxic gas to populous area, park closed
Wind change blew toxic gas to populous area, park closed
Another night hike, Halema'ma'u crater
Another night hike, Halema'ma'u crater
400' above the crater, alive and kicking
400' above the crater, alive and kicking
This further exploded a few times in April
This further exploded a few times in April
Cultural site in Park
Cultural site in Park
Historic and current(?) use
Historic and current(?) use
These are petroglyphs: chipped into rock
These are petroglyphs: chipped into rock
(not pictographs: drawings)
(not pictographs: drawings)
Most were simple little holes
Most were simple little holes
Read sign for purpose of holes
Read sign for purpose of holes
Maybe 2 kids from one family? Twins?
Maybe 2 kids from one family? Twins?
g1/71/610971/3/97599862.qRBSRIdA.jpg g1/71/610971/3/97599865.R025R8iE.jpg These I found on coast. 2-3' across
These I found on coast. 2-3' across
Relentless crashing waves...
Relentless crashing waves...
...erode the basalt cliffs
...erode the basalt cliffs
Holei Sea Arch, one of many
Holei Sea Arch, one of many
When sitting on the edge above...
When sitting on the edge above...
... and a big wave comes crashing...
... and a big wave comes crashing... sometimes feel the rock actually vibrate! sometimes feel the rock actually vibrate!
Waves flow into lava tube and back out
Waves flow into lava tube and back out
People fish from these cliffs!
People fish from these cliffs!
Lava landscape in Volcanoes National Park
Lava landscape in Volcanoes National Park
Different flows, slowly plants recolonize
Different flows, slowly plants recolonize
A'a and pahoehoe flows, alien grass takes over
A'a and pahoehoe flows, alien grass takes over
Harder for a'a to be colonized
Harder for a'a to be colonized
Evidence of Polynesian settlement (trees)
Evidence of Polynesian settlement (trees)
Mass acreage of terrain like this
Mass acreage of terrain like this
Another tree island on fault scarp (pali)
Another tree island on fault scarp (pali)
These tree islands provide seeds to colonize lava
These tree islands provide seeds to colonize lava
Pahoehoe and a'a difference mostly flow temp
Pahoehoe and a'a difference mostly flow temp
Another repaving job, road re-routed
Another repaving job, road re-routed
Common warnings
Common warnings
Little lava tube in roadcut
Little lava tube in roadcut
Collapsed lava tube ceiling; hard access
Collapsed lava tube ceiling; hard access
Lava flowed back into this fissure
Lava flowed back into this fissure
Looking out from one of MANY lava tubes
Looking out from one of MANY lava tubes
Crawled out of this slot!
Crawled out of this slot!
Imagine the river of lava flowing within
Imagine the river of lava flowing within
Bifurcation within the flow; common
Bifurcation within the flow; common
Not all tubes are smooth easy travel like this!
Not all tubes are smooth easy travel like this!
Some lava back-flow; easy access
Some lava back-flow; easy access
This one in coastal forest
This one in coastal forest
The entrance into the 'special' cave (see story)
The entrance into the 'special' cave (see story)
Tubes emptying into sea, lava bench failure exposed them?
Tubes emptying into sea, lava bench failure exposed them?
\\\\\Waves pouring into that same special cave.JPG
\\\\\Waves pouring into that same special cave.JPG
Lava-cicles, iron colored, gypsum crystals?
Lava-cicles, iron colored, gypsum crystals?
From Kazumura Cave, Harry said gypsum crystals
From Kazumura Cave, Harry said gypsum crystals
Different kinds of lava-cicles
Different kinds of lava-cicles
Close up; can see where one broke off
Close up; can see where one broke off
Roots reaching down into old lava tubes
Roots reaching down into old lava tubes
Magnesium ferrite coating
Magnesium ferrite coating
More of the common, beautiful metallic coating
More of the common, beautiful metallic coating
40-mile long cave, this entrance on private land
40-mile long cave, this entrance on private land
Harry ready to give a really good cave tour
Harry ready to give a really good cave tour
Entering Harry and Elloise's cave section
Entering Harry and Elloise's cave section
He built this door after vandalism incident
He built this door after vandalism incident
He and parents lightly developed cave section for tours
He and parents lightly developed cave section for tours
Gypsum crystals (orange is flashlite beam)
Gypsum crystals (orange is flashlite beam)
Iron bumps.  Relatively well-studied cave
Iron bumps. Relatively well-studied cave
Some sort of bacteria
Some sort of bacteria
Slime molds
Slime molds
This is human introduced bacteria
This is human introduced bacteria
Another cool unknown bacterial colony
Another cool unknown bacterial colony
This cave is actually very well studied
This cave is actually very well studied
Lava drips
Lava drips
Formed in calm air/gases
Formed in calm air/gases
Convective gas currents caused the weirdness
Convective gas currents caused the weirdness
Gas winds blow these out of line
Gas winds blow these out of line
'Floaters' in the lava stuck to ceiling
'Floaters' in the lava stuck to ceiling
That MgFe coating slipping; rare
That MgFe coating slipping; rare
Close-up of rare magnesim ferrite coating slip
Close-up of rare magnesim ferrite coating slip
Drips aligned by floaters breaking off others
Drips aligned by floaters breaking off others
Chocolate drips!
Chocolate drips!
Awaiting the results for what this is
Awaiting the results for what this is
Important not to touch features
Important not to touch features
Rare effects of super-powered convective wind
Rare effects of super-powered convective wind
These fins point uphill to flow, toward skylight gas vent
These fins point uphill to flow, toward skylight gas vent
Lobes related to eddies in lava currents
Lobes related to eddies in lava currents
Fins on eddy lobes.  These are all rare features
Fins on eddy lobes. These are all rare features
Eddy chain within lava flow
Eddy chain within lava flow
Eddy and gas current features
Eddy and gas current features
Possibly a floater attached on ceiling?  Or eddy
Possibly a floater attached on ceiling? Or eddy
Meter across; probably related to current turbulence
Meter across; probably related to current turbulence
Mongoose got in, not out.  (Bird-killing alien)
Mongoose got in, not out. (Bird-killing alien)
Another destructive alien trapped in cave.  Oink
Another destructive alien trapped in cave. Oink
Harry leaving their entrance to cave
Harry leaving their entrance to cave
Too Much Fun!
Too Much Fun!