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Jennifer Zhou | all galleries >> Galleries >> Portraits: Family, Friends, and Strangers > Intimate Innocence, Shanghai, China, 2006
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Intimate Innocence, Shanghai, China, 2006

Canon EOS 10D
1/640s f/3.5 at 50.0mm (35mm equivalent: 305mm) iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Alina12-Aug-2007 10:23
Great photo. I like the reflections in childes eyes.
Yiannis Pavlis09-Apr-2007 21:39
Superb shot and portrait,nice tones and details.
well taken.
Guest 06-Sep-2006 00:51
What a beautiful portrait! So expressive. The lighting and the framing are wonderful. Love the echo of the ears too.
A Reid05-Sep-2006 15:25
Very nice. I wonder what she is thinking?
Kal Khogali05-Sep-2006 12:45
Beautiful light, the echo of the ears is key...a silent conversation. K
Rain 05-Sep-2006 02:51
Phil Douglis05-Sep-2006 02:48
****It is a statement of pure, unflawed innocence, Jen. The incongruity is in the features -- the tiny mouth, paired with the larger nose and eyes, suggest a human very much in the formative stages. The two soft ears, seen here side by side, suggest listening, yet play against the silence that exists between father and son. And all of it is presented up close and personal, in very intimate and humane terms.
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