:: Solar Equipment Gallery ::
:: A pinhole camera solar experiment gallery ::
:: Evoloution of my Ca K filter ::
 20130321 23 03 hrs UT Ca K 178 1600mm FL.jpg |
 20130121 02:20 to 02:31 hrs UT, Ca K 100 621mm EFL, Baader U BF |
 20130120 02:08 to 02:20 hrs UT, Ca K PST 100, 621mm with Baader U filter as BF |
 20130120 01:42 hrs UT,SSE limb proms |
 20130120 01:2 hrs UT Ha 63, 1050mm EFL, 2.5x Powermate with 0.5x FR, Western hemi |
 20130118:05 21 hrs UT, Ha, 63, 1050mm EFL, 2.5x powermate and 0.5 FR, Daystar |
 20130111 05:13 hrs UT CaK PST with 100 1242mm with Baader U BF |
 20130111 04:46 hrs UT CaK PST with 100 1242mm with Baader U BF |
 20121311 04:19 to 04 30 hrs UT Ca K PST 100, 621mm with Baader U BF |
 20121305 05:57hrs UT Ha 63, 2100mm EFL 2.5x Powermate |
 20121305 05:42hrs UT Ha 63, 1050mm EFL 25 Powermate and 0.5x FR |
 20121215 02:38 hrs UT 63, 1050mm EFL 25 Powermate and 0.5x FR Daystar |
 Flare development 20121127 100,1242mm Ca K with Baader U for BF |
 20121127 23:09 hrs UT 63, 1050mm EFL 25 Powermate 05xFR Ha Daystar |
 20121125 23:08 hrs UT, 63 1050mm EFL 25 Powermate and 05xFR Ha Daystar |
 20121122 01:59 hrs UT, 63, 2105mm EFL Ha, Daystar |
 20121122 01:42 hrs UT, 63, 2105mmEFL Ha Daystar |
 20121029 100, 1242mm Ca K PST with Baader U BF |
 20120816 23:30 hrs UT Ca K PST 100 1242mm with 2x with Baader U for BF |
 20120816 23:07 to 23:17 hrs UT Ca K PST 100 621mm with Baader U for BF |
 20120812 23:20 hrs UT Ca K PST with 100 1242mm EFL with Baader U BF W limb |
 20120812 22:40 to 23:02 hrs UT Ca K PST with 100 621mm with Baader U BF |
 20120806 04:22 to 04:29 hrs UT Ca K PST with 100, 621mm with Baader U BF |
 20120727 02:17 to 02:24 hrs UT CaK PST with 100, 621 with Baader U filter BF |
 20120727 02:44 hrs UT Ha PST with 63, 840 with PST BF, N&NW limb |
 20120727 02:40 hrs UT Ha PST with 63, 840 with PST BF |
 20120720 03:21(W) & 3:27(E) hrs UT CaK PST with 100, 621mm with PST BF, S hemi mosaic |
 20120629 02:18 hrs UT CaK 63 8402HS0003 with Omega 393nm 20mm BF, AR 1515 minor flare |
:: Transit of Venus 6 Jun 2012 Gallery ::
 20120613 22:40 hrs UT CaK 63 8402HS0000.jpg |
 20120613 02:22 hrs UT CaK 63 8402HS0022.jpg |
 20120613 02:25 hrs UT CaK 63 8402HS0023.jpg |
 20120613 02:38 hrs UT CaK 63 4202HS0024 copy.jpg |
 20120528 01:35 hrs UT CaK 63 840 |
 20120528 01:33 hrs UT CaK 63 840 |
 20120528 01:40 hrs UT CaK 63 840, I was testing how much the image had to be overexposed to capture the prominences in CaK |
 20120512 03:52 hrs UT PST 63 1680, taken through cirrus late in the PM |
 20120512 03:40 hrs UT PST 63 1680, taken through cirrus late in the PM |
 20120507 03:59 hrs UT PST 63 2100 |
 20120507 03:58 hrs UT PST 63 2100 |
 20120507 03:55 hrs UT PST 63 2100 |
 20120507 03:50 hrs UT PST 63 840 comb |
 20120507 03:44 hrs UTPST 63 840col |
 20120309 03:48 hrs UT Ha PST 1000mm M6 flare in progress |
 20120309 05:01 hrs UT Ha PST 1000mm, M6 flare in decline |
 20090706 23:07 hrs UT Ha SM40,840mm |
 20090706 23:12 hrs UT Ha SM40,1504mm stella 80 with 2x |
 20090705 11:58 hrs UT Ha PST2x |
 20090624 solar white light 180,1600 with cont filter ATIK 2HS |
 20080327 DS PST 2HS 800mm FL |
 20080325 DS PST small flare activity |
 20080322 prominences |
 20080226, 00:00 hrs UT, Ha DS PST at f20, 2HS |
 20080207, 04:47 hrs UT, Ha, DS PST at f25, photo taken at time of max eclipse |
 20080206 05:50 hrs UT DS PST at f 25, 0.05s, 1 frame |
 20080130, 01:50 hrs UT, Ha DS PST w 2.5x powermate |
 20071216 Ca PST showing astigmatism. Images inside focus, at focus, and outside focus. The words 'at focus' is used loosely! |
 2007 11 17 and 19th comparision images to find out what's wrong with the Ca PST |
 20071213, 01:36 hrs UT, WL 180,1600 at 4000mm EFL,Image taken through cirrus cloud |
 20071213, 00:55 hrs UT, WL 180,1600 at 4000mm EFL, Image taken through cirrus cloud |
 20071213, 00:53 hrs UT HA, SM40 on CZ63840 at 2100mm EFL Image taken through cirrus cloud |
 20071117, 04:30 hrs UT, Ha ,DS PST with 2.5x Powermate with GOES inset. The concentric rings are a Newton's rings artefact |
 20071117, 04:30 hrs UT, Ha, DS PST with 2.5x Powermate. The concentric rings are a Newton's rings artefact |
 20071112, 01:00hrs UT, Ha PST w 2x, 800mm EFL |
 20071109, 02:40 hrs UT, Ha SM40 2100mm EFL |
 20071109, 02:36 hrs UT, Ha SM40 840mm FL |
 20071027, 04:09 hrs UT, Ha 63/840mm at f 53 |
 20070603, 02:18 hrs UT, Ha, DS PST |
 20070503 UT, Ha C Class flare in 953. |
 20070405, 00:44 hrs UT, Ha SolarMax40 on 63/840 scope with 2x |
 20061213 0350 hrs UT solar Ha, X 3.5 class flare |
 20061213 03:10 hrs UT solar Ha, X 3.5 class flare |
 20061108 23:48 hrs UT Stellarvue 80 753 Ha SolarMax40 IRC, Transit of Mercury |
 20061108 21:33 hrs UT Stellarvue 80 1880 Ha SolarMax40 IRC, Transit of Mercury |
 20061108 21:18 hrs UT solar Ha SolarMax40 transit of mercury |
 1Sun at Perihelion 4 Jan 2006 and near Aphelion on 4 Jul 2006 ver2.jpg |
 20060414 01:00 hrs UT Solar Ha SolarMax40 on Spacey 14 Apr 2006 |
 20060411 03:37 hrs UT Solar Halpha SolarMax40 on SpaceWeather.com 12 Mar 2006 |
 20060408 00:06 hrs Solar WL 865 rotated W up |
 20060408 00:06 hrs UT solar WL |
 20060407 22:55 hrs UT solar Ha |
 20060404 23:34 hrs UT solar Ha |
 20060404 23:02 hrs UT solar Ha |
 20060403 03:38 hrs UT solar Ha |
 20060403 03:24 hrs UT solar Ha |
 20060401 Transient filament flare assoc with 10865 |
 20060228 22:13 hrs UT solar Ha |
 20060227 23:54 hrs UT solar Ha |
 20060227 22:54 hrs UT solar WL |
 20060217_0051-53 hrs UT solar Ha Stellarvue 80 1880 SolarMax40 SW prom |
 20060215 23:07 hrsUT solar WL |
 20060127 00:53 hrs UT solar WL 848 |
 20060108 00:50 hrs UT solar WL |
 20051228 03:47 hrs UT Solar Ha Stellarvue 80 1880 SolarMax40 |
 20051124 21:03 hrs UT |
 20051124 21:03 hrs UT solar WL 822 |
 20051118 01:28 hrs UT solar WL 180 4000 822 |
 20051024 01:32 hrs UT Solar Ha SolarMax40 |
 20051024 02:11 hrs UT solar Ha SolarMax40 |
 20050921 03:16 hrs UT Solar Halpha SolarMax40 |
 20050920 00:16 hrs UT Solar WL 180 4000 WL HW D183 IRC cont 2500 808 |
 20050912 00:02 hrs UT Solar WL 808 |
 20050911 23:49 hrs UT Solar WL 808 |
 20050910 02:09 hrs UT Solar WL 1804000 |
 20050828 02:46 hrs UT solar WL 200 4000 805 |
 20050826 00:01 hrs UT solar WL 200 4000 803 |
 20050606 23:42 hrs UT solar WL 200 4000 776 |
 20050519 01:42 hrs UT solar Ha SolarMax40 759 |
 20050210 04:16 hrs UT solar Ha SolarMax40 733 734 |
 20050121 04:19 hrs UT Solar Halpha SolarMax flare and loops |
 20050121 00:21 hrs UT solar Ha SolarMax40 C6 flare assoc with 720 |
 20050119 23:58 hrs UT solar Ha SolarMax40 720 |
 20050119 05:20 hrs UT Solar Halpha SolarMax40 C7 flare 720 |
 20050119 03:13 hrs UT Solar Halpha SolarMax40 C2 flare 720 |
 20050118 02:16 hrs UT solar Ha solarMax40 Class C 3.2 flare assoc with 720 |
 20050118 02:07 hrs UT solar Ha solarMax40 evoloution of Class C3.2 flare assoc with 720 |
 20050115 05:54 hrs UT Solar Halpha SolarMax40 720 flare |
 20050115 04:32 hrs UT solar Halpha SolarMax40 |
 Zeiss 63,840 compared with Stellarvue 80,752 on white light |