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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Palace of Fine Arts - San Francisco tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Palace of Fine Arts - San Francisco

I was nearby San Francisco's Palace of Fine Arts Oct. 17 (2007), which is being renovated, and took a 45-minute break for photos.

  The architect involved, Bernard Maybeck, talks about why people enjoy the structure and grounds, with some wonderful pictures linked.  The entire book by Louis Christian Mullgardt on the Exposition of 1915 is online, with illustrations.  Here's the excellent section on the Palace of Fine Arts.  And here are three MOVIES online about the history of the place.  The current restoration of the palace and its grounds is in its final stage and the rotunda was to be closed until 2009.

The first batch of 7 photos below were put through Irfanview viewer that has some basic editing tools.  Added the rest of the batch Oct. 23 '07.  It was a really beautiful time of day.  Photos were taken with the small Canon Powershot A710.

*** ( For FULL SCREEN: PC's, press/toggle F11.  Mac's, maximize screen. ) ***

Running in another space
Running in another space
Rainy side up - peristyle and rotunda reflected
Rainy side up - peristyle and rotunda reflected
I felt as if I could fall 'down' into that.
I felt as if I could fall 'down' into that.
Entering the reflection
Entering the reflection
I liked the effect of the swans on the water.
I liked the effect of the swans on the water.
Swans in the Palace of Fine Arts lagoon
Swans in the Palace of Fine Arts lagoon
3 Stages of Life.  Flowers on edge of lagoon.
3 Stages of Life. Flowers on edge of lagoon.
Batch 2 - Palace of Fine Arts</a
Batch 2 - Palace of Fine Arts
Dusk light on pond
Dusk light on pond
Edge of lagoon
Edge of lagoon
Bits of the altar in front of the Palace of Fine Arts can be seen.
Bits of the altar in front of the Palace of Fine Arts can be seen.
Columba livia - thanks to Nick Anich for ID'g the bird
Columba livia - thanks to Nick Anich for ID'g the bird
Columba livia - ruffling some of his feathers
Columba livia - ruffling some of his feathers
Fountain and rotunda, by Maybeck, closer up
Fountain and rotunda, by Maybeck, closer up
Just a boy enjoying the place (pardon the blur)
Just a boy enjoying the place (pardon the blur)
Colonnade around the rotunda.   NOT a reflection.
Colonnade around the rotunda. NOT a reflection.
Statue of a male battler for the arts
Statue of a male battler for the arts
Peristyle through outer colonnade
Peristyle through outer colonnade
Sometimes called 'Contemplation'  or 'Melancholy'
Sometimes called 'Contemplation' or 'Melancholy'
The Weeping Women for a world that loses art.
The Weeping Women for a world that loses art.
Vertical puddle
Vertical puddle
Final puddle - on my way to the swans
Final puddle - on my way to the swans
Swan trio 1
Swan trio 1
Swan trio 2
Swan trio 2
Tree in darker area where swans relax
Tree in darker area where swans relax
Swan trio and ducks
Swan trio and ducks
Three swans, three ducks, one flying
Three swans, three ducks, one flying
Follow the Leader 1
Follow the Leader 1
Follow the Leader 2
Follow the Leader 2
Panels - 'Struggle for the Beautiful' - by Bruno Louis Zimm
Panels - 'Struggle for the Beautiful' - by Bruno Louis Zimm
Closeup of top right - another guardian of the arts
Closeup of top right - another guardian of the arts
In the ground, another view
In the ground, another view
Part of the indirect-lighting system for night time
Part of the indirect-lighting system for night time
Not quite Petra - the corridor or promenade area.
Not quite Petra - the corridor or promenade area.
Sentimental but imposing structure
Sentimental but imposing structure
Palace of Fine Arts - End of day
Palace of Fine Arts - End of day
Palace of Fine Arts fountain in lagoon
Palace of Fine Arts fountain in lagoon
Exposure for sky with low sun
Exposure for sky with low sun