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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> Visits Nearby - >> Pacific East Mall tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Pacific East Mall

Just some shots taken with the Canon A710 when visiting the mall area today,
which is in El Cerrito, California.   Used Iso100, except for trees with moving fruit (Iso200).

*** ( For FULL SCREEN: PC's, press/toggle F11.  Mac's, Cmd-B. ) ***

Pacific East Mall
Pacific East Mall
Just houses across the way seen as the sun finally broke
Just houses across the way seen as the sun finally broke
Tree in parking lot
Tree in parking lot
What are these?
What are these?
Dark woods, smack dab in the middle of an urban area
Dark woods, smack dab in the middle of an urban area
A small, odd, Richmond hill
A small, odd, Richmond hill
As seen from the mall lot
As seen from the mall lot
Pacific East Mall building
Pacific East Mall building
PEM rampway
PEM rampway
Pacific East Mall
Pacific East Mall
Entrance area
Entrance area
Normal view of entrance to Pacific East Mall
Normal view of entrance to Pacific East Mall