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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> Surfing >
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Nikon D500 ,AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR
1/5000s f/5.6 at 390.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte27-Jul-2022 21:35
Spectacular catch...and beautiful photo.
Julie Oldfield27-Jul-2022 00:41
Nicely timed action.
Dennis Hoyne26-Jul-2022 03:54
A fantastic colorful action shot!
Nirvan Hope25-Jul-2022 23:52
Another great action surf shot. I like the format.
Raymond25-Jul-2022 23:40
Wow' what a beautiful shot, full action
fotabug25-Jul-2022 19:07
Puts us out there in the action!
Allan Jay25-Jul-2022 18:28
Terrific perspective and wonderful
time, Walter.
Neil Marcus25-Jul-2022 18:16
I like the long view of the wave and the position of the boarder in the frame. "V"
Ton T.25-Jul-2022 17:28
fascinating action shot! V
globalgadabout25-Jul-2022 16:05
well caught...he certainly makes extensive use of that wave..
Carl Carbone25-Jul-2022 15:40
Nice. My nephew will be shooting some video of the surfers competing at Huntington Beach for work in a couple of weeks.
joseantonio25-Jul-2022 15:27
perfect capture and presentation.V.
Wim Ensie25-Jul-2022 15:08
A great turn and action, like this . BV
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