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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Industry >> Deering Banjo Factory >
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Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/125s f/5.6 at 29.0mm iso1000 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ken Chambers ARPS13-Aug-2017 21:32
Seems to be a lot of heavy equipment to make a delicate Banjo.. The Company must have a good Order Book !
Colin Storey13-Aug-2017 19:55
Lots going on there, a wonderful image of the working environment.
Bob Davis13-Aug-2017 19:47
Nice image Walter
Frank Brault13-Aug-2017 18:58
A fine industrial image that tells a story. V
Jim Coffman13-Aug-2017 15:58
A very nice industrial image, Walter!
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