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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Macro >> Macro Gallery 3 >
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Nikon D700 ,Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di Macro
1/1250s f/3.8 at 180.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Frank Brault25-Jan-2016 20:23
Elegant and beautiful V
Don24-Jan-2016 19:53
Paper lantern? Witch's hat? Intriguing.
Buz Kiefer24-Jan-2016 18:09
Lovely, well isolated angle trumpet. Vote.
Jean D24-Jan-2016 05:06
Excellent macro. The details are superb. ~V
Julie Oldfield24-Jan-2016 03:43
Lovely image. Nicely detailed. V
Guest 24-Jan-2016 00:44
Nice job! V
laine23-Jan-2016 20:28
Very delicate.
fotabug23-Jan-2016 20:20
Well done! Nice lighting and detail.
Allan Jay23-Jan-2016 20:19
Beautiful capture, Walter!
Tom LeRoy23-Jan-2016 19:10
So beautiful with the dark background and and marvelous light, Walter. V
Kim23-Jan-2016 18:49
Excellent close up shot, nicely composed and well lit! V
joseantonio23-Jan-2016 18:45
Lovely and elegant image.v.
carabias23-Jan-2016 17:43
Bella e intrigante fotografía, Walter! v
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