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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Animals >> San Diego Zoo 5 >
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Nikon D700 ,Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED VR AF
1/640s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso400 (Photographed through Mesh)
(Best viewed in original size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Arthur Lebacq03-Jun-2016 14:51
An impressive and wonderful portrait.....excellent work.....VV
Zoltán Balogh23-Jun-2015 09:54
Wow, superb! V
M Paula Neumann24-Mar-2015 11:24
Magnificent creature! V
Bill Klein28-Oct-2014 19:00
Superb! V!
dazkeyte09-Oct-2014 15:06
Patrick F27-Apr-2014 20:32
Impressive image of the King of Animals!!!!!!! V+++++++++++++++
Jean Chiasson27-Apr-2014 13:41
Fantastic portrait Walter big vote
Frank Brault21-Apr-2014 21:47
Walter, a magnificent portrait that does justice the the King of all animals. So regal! V
Pierre21-Apr-2014 00:09
Un portrait incroyable et un très joli cadrage! V
Mairéad20-Apr-2014 22:51
Magnificent capture of this mighty cat.. V
marie-jose wolff20-Apr-2014 21:26
what a proud look, really majestic! V
bill friedlander20-Apr-2014 21:00
The king of the jungle! Wonderful detailed portrait! V
Ken Chambers ARPS20-Apr-2014 20:33
A very proud looking lion Walter.
Karen Stuebing20-Apr-2014 20:32
He looks very regal here. Great details in this wonderful capture. V.
John Reynolds LRPS20-Apr-2014 20:15
Great portrait with his proud expression. V.
LynnH20-Apr-2014 20:14
Wonderful portrait of the King!! V
John Lamb20-Apr-2014 19:56
He knows he's the King. ~v~
Kim20-Apr-2014 19:13
Fabulous portrait Walter! V
Noël20-Apr-2014 18:36
Great shot, very majestic. v
Will Hoskins20-Apr-2014 17:12
Looking very regal in this wonderful portrait. V
Stephanie20-Apr-2014 16:57
A proud lion! Beautiful portrait of this king of the zoo! BV+
Pepe Zyman20-Apr-2014 16:44
Beautiful Lion!
Colin Storey20-Apr-2014 16:40
Fantastic portrait of the King. v
Neil Marcus20-Apr-2014 16:21
What detail in this majestic study! "V"
Jim Coffman20-Apr-2014 15:58
What a handsome creature! Great image,Walter...
carabias20-Apr-2014 15:51
Majestic lion... Magnificent capture! BV
Gerard Koehl20-Apr-2014 15:45
Excellent portrait. V
joseantonio20-Apr-2014 15:40
Amazing portrait. Really a nice closeup.V.
Raymond20-Apr-2014 15:30
Wow ... stunning and impressive
Robbie D7020-Apr-2014 15:28
Majestic looking cat.
A beauty.
globalgadabout20-Apr-2014 15:24
what a cascade of hair...the king is looking a tad haughty today...superb portrait...V
Pepe Lugash20-Apr-2014 14:30
Pride unbounded. Wonderful.
Sam Rua20-Apr-2014 14:24
Nice detail and comp with this pensive pose, Walter.
Jeff Real20-Apr-2014 14:19
Magnificent... That really does say it all! ~V~
Julie Oldfield20-Apr-2014 14:02
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