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Emir Shabashvili | profile | all galleries >> Still Wet: Just Developed and Scanned >> 2008 LOG tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2008 LOG

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Round Object Exercise
Round Object Exercise
Love one another
Love one another
The day Castro will die
The day Castro will die
The Flock
The Flock
Miami Avenue
Miami Avenue
There will be blood
There will be blood
Tree and lianas
Tree and lianas
NW 79th Street
NW 79th Street
Biscayne Bay
Biscayne Bay
Bayfront park
Bayfront park
City of Rain
City of Rain
Government Center Station
Government Center Station
NE 79th Street
NE 79th Street
Slava's Snow Show
Slava's Snow Show
Fay is out there
Fay is out there
Dophin Mall
Dophin Mall
Side impact
Side impact
Biscayne Bay
Biscayne Bay
Mexican Gulf
Mexican Gulf
Rush Hour
Rush Hour
Little Diplodocus
Little Diplodocus
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