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Emir Shabashvili | all galleries >> Still Wet: Just Developed and Scanned >> 2006 LOG > Gulf of Mexico at night
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12-02-2006 FN1600-05-24pr1sm.jpg

Gulf of Mexico at night

St Petersburg, FL

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Emir Shabashvili30-Dec-2006 15:52
Thank you Daniel. Yes I liked it at first, it is not perfect though, I can see it now. I love shooting in low light situations, the results always thrilling. Delta 3200, Neopan 1600 :)
Daniel Wickwire30-Dec-2006 15:36
This holds a lot of interest for me. I have come across a few similar photo opportunities and generally like the result. Kind of an impressionistic approach, don't you think? Congratulations. Daniel.