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Allen Hart | all galleries >> Galleries >> Show and Tell > Flying Over the Falls
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23-SEP-2007 Allen Hart

Flying Over the Falls

Great Falls Park, Fairfax County, VA

1st Place in Show and Tell Forum 296 - Maritime

Note - for this show and tell Maritime was defined as:
...images relating to all types of ships and boats, whether they are on the sea,
in harbors, on rivers, lakes, ponds or dry land.
Any types of related maritime instruments, accessories, models, etc. are also good, the more creative, the better.

A kayaker enjoys the first day of fall at Great Falls park.

Canon EOS 350D
1/3200s f/8.0 at 400.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
The Ellisons22-Oct-2013 12:20
Superb action shot, congratulations!
Terry Bowker21-Oct-2013 19:23
Great shot!
GP Merfeld21-Oct-2013 01:12
Fantastic shot! Congratulations!
Walter Otto Koenig20-Oct-2013 23:27

296th Show & Tell Competition: Maritime - WINNER - "V"
Peter Stubley20-Oct-2013 16:15
Great shot -- nice timing.
Marisa Livet17-May-2013 15:51
Sang Chung12-May-2013 22:26
An excellent image of action: superbly rendered.
Ken Zaret12-May-2013 20:32
great axtion shot!
Jason Penney18-Apr-2008 02:24
I kayak and these guys are nuts! Very good shot!
Jeff B.12-Oct-2007 23:05
Wow!!! What a great shot!!
dazkeyte04-Oct-2007 19:28
Stunning action shot!!!!!
angelique raptakis24-Sep-2007 14:53
nicely done
Guest 24-Sep-2007 14:23
excellent composition! The kayaker is perfectly placed.
Sayer24-Sep-2007 14:16
Nice one Allen!
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