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Alan Zeleznikar | profile | all galleries >> Germany and Austria - July and August 2006 >> Berlin, Germany >> The Berlin Wall, Then and Now tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Berlin Wall, Then and Now

Some photos taken almost exactly 18 years apart and at nearly the same location.
Berlin Wall Wilhelmstrasse 1 - July,1988
Berlin Wall Wilhelmstrasse 1 - July,1988
Berlin Wall Wilhelmstrasse 1 - August, 2006
Berlin Wall Wilhelmstrasse 1 - August, 2006
Berlin Wall Wilhelmstrasse 2 - July,1988
Berlin Wall Wilhelmstrasse 2 - July,1988
Berlin Wall Wilhelmstrasse 2 - August, 2006
Berlin Wall Wilhelmstrasse 2 - August, 2006