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Alan Sheckter Photo | profile | all galleries >> Music photos May 2008 - to present >> California WorldFest, July 12-15, 2012 Nevada County Fairgrounds, Grass Valley, CA tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

California WorldFest, July 12-15, 2012 Nevada County Fairgrounds, Grass Valley, CA

The 16th annual California WorldFest took place July 12-15, 2012 on eight stages - and lawns - at the tall-tree-laden Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley, CA. As always, established nationally acclaimed players such as Ani DiFranco, Cake, and Tommy Emmanuel mixed with younger alternative acts like Delhi 2 Dublin, Amanda Shaw, and Fishtank Ensemble as well as relatively unknown world players (to U.S. audiences), such as Meklit Hadero, Novalima, and Talavya. The festival grounds, including its wooded campgrounds, were home to several thousand attendees drawn by the bohemian yet family-friendly vibe, who converged to watch, listen, dance, camp, share food and spirit, and to celebrate songs and cultures from all over the world. For the 11 year in a row, I was the staff photographer and my wife Donna was manager of the fest's large Marketplace retail store. For more info for next year, check Images ŠAlan Sheckter /
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Native People's Opening Ceremony
Native People's Opening Ceremony
Native People's Opening Ceremony
Native People's Opening Ceremony
Native People's Opening Ceremony
Native People's Opening Ceremony
Native People's Opening Ceremony - Spotlite stage
Native People's Opening Ceremony - Spotlite stage
Festival emcee Lisa Bryant
Festival emcee Lisa Bryant
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Rupa and the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa and the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa and the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa and the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Califa - Meadow Stage
Misha Khalikulov of Rupa & the April Fishes
Misha Khalikulov of Rupa & the April Fishes
Catching some sleep onstage inside Califa's bass base
Catching some sleep onstage inside Califa's bass base
Catching some sleep onstage inside Califa's bass base
Catching some sleep onstage inside Califa's bass base

The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
Keeping cool - stylishly
Keeping cool - stylishly
At peace with the music
At peace with the music
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
The Railflowers - Spotlite Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Colorful and relaxed
Colorful and relaxed
Festival attendee and his friend
Festival attendee and his friend
Rupa & the April Fishes
Rupa & the April Fishes
Volunteer with perky ears
Volunteer with perky ears
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Rupa & the April Fishes - Meadow Stage
Fiestival directors Christine Myers and Dan DeWayne
Fiestival directors Christine Myers and Dan DeWayne
New hat?
New hat?
Donna and Amaya
Donna and Amaya
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage
Mumbo Gumbo - Meadow Stage

Tai Chi with Julie
Tai Chi with Julie
Tai Chi with Julie
Tai Chi with Julie
Tai Chi with Julie
Tai Chi with Julie
Tai Chi
Tai Chi
Tai Chi with Julie
Tai Chi with Julie
Tai Chi with Julie
Tai Chi with Julie
Tai Chi with Julie
Tai Chi with Julie
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Trent Smith - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Trent Smith - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Trent Smith - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Trent Smith - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Trent Smith - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Trent Smith - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Trent Smith - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Trent Smith - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Lisa Valentine w/James Chato - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Lisa Valentine w/James Chato - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Lisa Valentine - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Lisa Valentine - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Lisa Valentine - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Lisa Valentine - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Lisa Valentine - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Lisa Valentine - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Lisa Valentine - Oak Grove Stage
KZFR-FM songwriter winner Lisa Valentine - Oak Grove Stage
Watching Lisa Valentine
Watching Lisa Valentine
Native American crafts
Native American crafts
Browsing in the Tsi-Akim Maidu village
Browsing in the Tsi-Akim Maidu village
Hand-crafted flute in the Tsi-Akim Maidu village
Hand-crafted flute in the Tsi-Akim Maidu village
Tsi-Akim Maidu village
Tsi-Akim Maidu village
Tsi-Akim Maidu village
Tsi-Akim Maidu village
Friends at the water-filling station
Friends at the water-filling station
Patrick, Susan, and Betsy
Patrick, Susan, and Betsy
Special kind of volleyball
Special kind of volleyball
Information booth
Information booth
Organic skincare offerings
Organic skincare offerings
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