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Alan K | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hanging Out In My PAD 2014 > 141229_114007_0008 Welcome To My 2014 Year In Review (Mon 29 Dec 14)
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29-Dec-2014 AKMC

141229_114007_0008 Welcome To My 2014 Year In Review (Mon 29 Dec 14)

Hume Highway Between Home And The Southern Highlands, NSW

You want my review of the year? That's it above.

That is all.

Oh OK, some clarification then. As I mentioned in the PAD for Saturday I came down with a leg infection so, rarely for me, I was a passenger rather than a driver. We had already made bookings in Canberra which were non-refundable so despite me being "Hoptoad Harry, Hoppin' Down Tha Avah-noo" I was loaded up along with my antibiotics and Olympus and off we went.

I decided to pop the window and contrast the motion blur of the trees, whizzing past at a relative 100km/h and representing how this passing year has felt. The fixed and sharp mirror is intentionally included in the frame to speak for the ability to see the year vanishing behind, yet have no control over it.

It was actually kinda nice being driven; it provides more of a chance to look around. Behind the wheel you have to focus on the road.
Edit, August 2024: This could be the image for the following 10 years, except... faster. The "Hoptoad Harry" reference, for example, was from Stephen King's novel 11.22.63 which I could have sworn I read a couple of years back, maybe... but clearly not. Ten. Years. Possibly more.

In other photos in the same gallery I saw The Scottish Arms hotel in East Bowral, which I had largely forgotten about until the photos brought it back to me. It was neither great nor awful as I recall it, though my perception may have been affected by the pain in my leg. However one thing that I would NOT have recalled... is that either of those incidents were a decade ago.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield02-Jan-2015 03:48
I hope you are feeling better. Very well done. It has a strong sense of movement. The mirror is well placed. V
David Sands31-Dec-2014 12:25
I can't stand not being the operator. I am the WORLDS WORST passenger.
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