I always considered myself "inner urban night prowler" guy, with street lights and night times (ideally when combined with rain) being my signature shots. Since moving down here though I seem to have become "Alien mothership tractor beam of light through the clouds" guy. (And yes, this is real, not Photoshopped.)
In this case I was playing with my new ND8 filter. Which, it is fair to say, also can't compensate for Australian summer light even on an overcast day like this. I managed to slow this down to a whole 1 second which is still nowhere near slow enough to whack a silky effect on the ocean.
That's it, time to pull out the big guns. There's a 9 stop filter available from Hoya. It will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine.
And if that doesn't work I'm just going to get a cheap UV filter and paint the damn thing black, then whack it on the front of the lens.
Edit August 2024: I haven't used an ND lens for many years. Strictly speaking I don't need to any longer since it can be simulated by my several-generations-in-the-future-from-2014 OM Systems OM-5. I should do some more work with that feature, too.
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