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Alan K | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hanging Out In My PAD 2014 > 141225_065521_0270 Tzeeet! (Thu 25 Dec 14)
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25-Dec-2014 AKMC

141225_065521_0270 Tzeeet! (Thu 25 Dec 14)

Off Towradgi Beach, Illawarra

I always considered myself "inner urban night prowler" guy, with street lights and night times (ideally when combined with rain) being my signature shots. Since moving down here though I seem to have become "Alien mothership tractor beam of light through the clouds" guy. (And yes, this is real, not Photoshopped.)

In this case I was playing with my new ND8 filter. Which, it is fair to say, also can't compensate for Australian summer light even on an overcast day like this. I managed to slow this down to a whole 1 second which is still nowhere near slow enough to whack a silky effect on the ocean.

That's it, time to pull out the big guns. There's a 9 stop filter available from Hoya. It will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine.

And if that doesn't work I'm just going to get a cheap UV filter and paint the damn thing black, then whack it on the front of the lens.
Edit August 2024: I haven't used an ND lens for many years. Strictly speaking I don't need to any longer since it can be simulated by my several-generations-in-the-future-from-2014 OM Systems OM-5. I should do some more work with that feature, too.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
David Sands31-Dec-2014 12:31
i have a 9 stop- yes, you NEED one. Everyone NEEDS one... :-)
Julie Oldfield29-Dec-2014 03:44
The light is very beautiful. Nicely composed with the rocks in the foreground. One benefit of living somewhere cold and gray is that it is easy to use slow shutter speeds. V
Carl Carbone28-Dec-2014 00:35
Beautiful scene.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)27-Dec-2014 17:25
excellent composition. V
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