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A. J. deLange | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> miscellaneous tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
This is real miscellany. The shots here may have been taken 30 minutes or 30 years ago, with film (35 mm, 6x6 or 6x7) or digital, from in the back yard or the other side of the earth. Just whatever suits my fancy at the moment. Someday I'll organize it - really. A.J.
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Brothers: Gomez (L), Thunder & Max (R)
Brothers: Gomez (L), Thunder & Max (R)
She's not coming home with us, is she?
She's not coming home with us, is she?
Bowl O'Habaneros
Bowl O'Habaneros
Bridge Over Fall Creek
Bridge Over Fall Creek
Die Nixe im Baum
Die Nixe im Baum
Mary P
Mary P
Dew Drops
Dew Drops
Walnuts Against September Sky
Walnuts Against September Sky
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