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Adalberto Tiburzi | all galleries >> Rome architecture (historical) >> Rome, lost in the Maze > Roma
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Adalberto Tiburzi


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teachpeace11-Oct-2012 13:02
Dramatic, moody light. Outstanding.
Victoria07-Feb-2007 15:35
This is great & terrible red..but nice..Happy Birhtday to you, by the way
fred_il07-Feb-2007 12:23
Tel un decor de theatre!
Fantastic red!
Adalberto Tiburzi07-Feb-2007 11:09
Oops, thank you very much Laine!

You wine was excellent, really!
(trust me... ;-)

Simon Chandler07-Feb-2007 07:10
Excellent shot.
Guest 07-Feb-2007 04:55
La quadrature du rouge sur une scene ou l'acteur va rentrer imminemment!
Larry Ahern07-Feb-2007 00:51
Superb shot!!
Gilles Navet07-Feb-2007 00:41
Le rouge te va bien
J'adore celle là
Guest 07-Feb-2007 00:40
Bonne Fête!
Craig Persel07-Feb-2007 00:12
Masterful. Vote.
Patricia Lay-Dorsey07-Feb-2007 00:06
Oh yes, red it is!! Excellent comp & mood. V
Diane 06-Feb-2007 22:47
Couleur chaude comme je les aime... c'est magnifique. Il y a la roue du navire alors est-ce les appartements du capitaine Adal ?!!
Guest 06-Feb-2007 21:32
Nice comp. Happy Birthday!!
Glenn06-Feb-2007 20:51
interesting concept, nice composition
laine8206-Feb-2007 20:36
Happy Birthday, Adal !!! I hope you have a great day... this is for you <
laine8206-Feb-2007 20:13
A gorgeous moody red !!!
Rob Rosetti06-Feb-2007 20:02
Maestosa e sanguinolenta. Come passa il tempo eh? :)
Peg O'Brien06-Feb-2007 19:54
Fantastic shot! Big vote
alexeig06-Feb-2007 19:06
Really menacing door, this one ...
Jola Dziubinska06-Feb-2007 18:21
Beautiful image, superb mood and light.
Guest 06-Feb-2007 18:09
great colour, great mood, excellent.
Dan Chusid06-Feb-2007 17:15
Ray's inside combing his hair.
Say's he'll be out in a jiffy.
: )
Guest 06-Feb-2007 17:11
this red... incredible
Guest 06-Feb-2007 17:06
Fantastic. even better than yesterday? It's a close call but I think it has the edge. Absolutely awesome light, colours and a house with presence if ever i saw one
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