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Adalberto Tiburzi | all galleries >> Rome architecture (historical) >> Rome, lost in the Maze > feu(ille) vert(e)
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feu(ille) vert(e)

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Guest 24-Jan-2006 22:57
Tous ces cheveux de feuilles mortes emmêlées,
puis cette petite feuille vivante.
Et la lumière derrière.
C'est très bien vu!
Sharon Rogers24-Jan-2006 21:46
all these dead leaves and a few alive ...
Antonis Sarantos24-Jan-2006 21:41
Awesome atmosphere, almost 3D and very dramatical!
Guest 24-Jan-2006 15:52
You have the eye for seeing the one thing.
Wonderful title.
kimberly borchardt24-Jan-2006 13:09
It strikes me, that the color green is not very predominant in your galleries, but light definitely is.
And your pictures have been the fuel to inspire a lot of us! :-)
Kal Khogali24-Jan-2006 11:12
Where the meduse flower pot came from? ;-)).....that green leaf battles the night...K
Guest 24-Jan-2006 10:51
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