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Codino Divino | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hong Kong - The City of Nights (Lights) > Which ad do you want?
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By the way, this is the only reason why I have not sold my 28-300mm lens.

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Selina 15-Apr-2009 19:49
An epic picture
Guest 20-Dec-2008 23:10
im sure Canon would love to see it!i think its fanastic!well done and thanks....
eoin 26-Oct-2005 18:10
is this some kind of zoom out w/ a long exposure? wondering why the lights on the middle tower didn't bleed as well!
mc2 01-Oct-2005 08:19
this is awesome, i wonder if those residents living underneath those lights ever get sick of the extra brightness in the middle of the night
Jessie Marchessault 29-Apr-2005 14:52
Wow amazing light effects on all of your Photographs! What kind of camera do you use?
Raymond Tsang 19-Mar-2004 07:01
I bought EOS 10D this month, I never think of such camera so powerful , your works I love it.looking at these photos are enjoyments.
PKT 24-Feb-2004 22:08
PKT, Vancouver, Canada
Very original.
Should try selling this to Canon.
Thank you for the excellent fotos.
Guest 23-Feb-2004 03:41
Very original and impressive! You must have a very steady hand. Thanks, Brian.
Daniel Lam 19-Jan-2004 20:15
How is this possible?
................ long silent......

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