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914-6 GT | profile | all galleries >> Other Racing Parts >> 907 Eight Cylinder Racing Engine... tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

907 Eight Cylinder Racing Engine...

...Well, at about $85,000 a copy, this 280 HP, Twin-Plug, 2.2 Liter, 8-cylinder, 907 Engine is tempting, but it will have to be that for now. It would be a very cool motor with that horizontal cooling fan just behind your ears! This engine has everything that Porsche made "titanium" in it. Take a look at the flywheel.

I suppose that a $35,000 2.0 liter 906-based twin-plug 6 cylinder boxer motor would be a real bargain compared to this 907. According to the mechanic who built the 907 engine, he mentioned that in the time it took him to build the 907, he can actually build two complete 917 engines. He also said that the 907 is by far the most difficult engine to build and work on that Porsche has ever made...

If I was to try and install this 907 engine in my 914-6 GT, it would not stop at the $85,000 price of the motor as I would have to then fabricate a custom exhaust system including headers and megaphones, the engine sheet metal, dry-sump modifications (the oil lines are at least 25% larger in diameter than those use in the 914-6 GT), a new engine lid, an air-cleaner system for the street, etc., etc. It all can be done, is just a matter of how many dollars you are willing to spend on a project like this. By the way, just in case you are wondering why a 907 and not a 300 hp, 3.0 Liter 908; the 908 motors are more expensive (over $120,000+), and very hard to find. The good points are; more horsepower, easier to build and maintain. Porsche did install the 908 engine in two other 914-6 cars ; )

Porsche 907 Flat-8 Cylinder Engine, Slide-Injection - Photo 2
Porsche 907 Flat-8 Cylinder Engine, Slide-Injection - Photo 2
Porsche 907 Flat-8 Cylinder Engine, Slide-Injection - Photo 3
Porsche 907 Flat-8 Cylinder Engine, Slide-Injection - Photo 3
Porsche 907 Flat-8 Cylinder Engine, Slide-Injection - Photo 4
Porsche 907 Flat-8 Cylinder Engine, Slide-Injection - Photo 4
Porsche 907 Flat-8 Cylinder Engine, Slide-Injection - Photo 5
Porsche 907 Flat-8 Cylinder Engine, Slide-Injection - Photo 5
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