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Welcome to the Porsche 914-6 GT Resource website.

Why another 914-6 GT website? Since no one has ever really published with a very high degree of detail, a photo sequence of the recreation of a factory 914-6 GT race car using almost 100% factory original parts, years ago I decided to not only share with you my 914-6 GT project photos, but also the thousands of other images of factory and dealer built 914-6 GT race cars, with many never before published. I hope that you'll find this website not only informative, but also entertaining. My gratitude and sincere thanks goes to those individuals from around the world who continue to provided the many photo contributions, some of which are the very owners of these fantastic little race cars who keep sharing with us new and exciting content. Again, I thank you!

NOW with VIDEOS! See here

BEWARE! For the "Porsche Enthusiast"... There are over 18,838 Mb of stored digital media, more than 76,722 images in 4,464 individual photo galleries. Since October 12, 2003, these pages have been viewed more than 22,265,469 times! Did you know what Adam said to Eve when he first saw my website? "Stand back! I don't know how BIG this THING is going to get!". ;)


I cannot state anything about these cars authenticity and my policy simply is that without the owner producing an “FIA Heritage Certificate”, not to be confused with the HTP (”Historical Technical Passport”), the burden of authenticity falls with the respective car’s owner and will be their responsibility to provide the proper documentation these cars truly deserve. Further, this reinforces and supports the FIA’s efforts to verify the real cars and flushing out the 'fakes'. By raising these standards, I hope to continue to improve the credibility of this web site. One last comment; Until the car's owner produces said "Heritage Certificate", I would simply state the following: “the owner claims this car as”, or “this is supported by”.

In case you are not familiar with the terminology, below are the definitions:

HERITAGE CERTIFICATE: A document difficult to acquire. One needs to provide the complete history of the car and an unbroken chain of ownership to certify this car as being the “real deal”.

HISTORICAL TECHNICAL PASSPORT (HTP): This is a much easier document to achieve. It merely confirms the car meets all the 'technical aspects' of the model it represents. See sample here

Please don't forget to sign the "Guestbook" on the way out. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the visit. Now on Twitter

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Factory Built 914-6 GT Race Cars
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Dealer / Privateer-Team Built 914-6 GT Race Cars
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Other Porsche 914-6 GT Race Cars...
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SCCA IMSA and GTU 914-6 Race Cars
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M471 Porsche 914-6 Cars
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914-6 GT Technical Documentation
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914-6 GT Factory Parts...
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