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Bob O'Hearn | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Imaginary Friends tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Imaginary Friends

By constantly fixing its attention on the Source,
the Heart, the ego gets dissolved into it
like a salt doll which has fallen
into the ocean.

~Ramana Maharshi

Apocalypse Doll
:: Apocalypse Doll ::
What's Up, Tiger Lily?
:: What's Up, Tiger Lily? ::
Scare Doll
:: Scare Doll ::
Hard Facts
:: Hard Facts ::
To Greet Its Own Light
:: To Greet Its Own Light ::
Ashtavakra Doll
:: Ashtavakra Doll ::
:: Playland ::
On the Stage
:: On the Stage ::
Usual Suspects
:: Usual Suspects ::
Ark of Purses
:: Ark of Purses ::