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J. Scott Coile | all galleries >> Photographic Journey (12 subgalleries) >> PaD Year Two >> July 06 > Second Wave

July 26

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Second Wave

July 26


This Swallowtail is in the second wave of butterflies this summer. The first wave was much more obvious in the early spring greens.

WILL: I am going to the hospital this afternoon to try to get a picture of Will with Noah. Sarah just set me an update and I've placed it in


Another from lunch:

other sizes: small medium large original auto
shatterbug28-Jul-2006 04:09
Superb closeup! The light is beautiful! V.
Buz Kiefer27-Jul-2006 17:00
Excelent image Scott. Very light and full of summer. Vote.
De'Carr Studio27-Jul-2006 04:19
Just plain o'l Excellent!! Big vote, Scott
Steven Jusczyk27-Jul-2006 03:15
Everything appears to be floating!
Faye White27-Jul-2006 01:48
Guest 27-Jul-2006 01:42
An appropriate bush for Mr Butterfly Scott! Get well Will!
royalld27-Jul-2006 01:15
Beautiful picture to go along with the wonderful news about Will.
carol j. phipps27-Jul-2006 00:42
Love it! Excellent! both pictues. Vote.
Dale Unruh27-Jul-2006 00:26
Scott: A winner for sure! Nicley commposed and a great shot!
markvm27-Jul-2006 00:24
Very nice catch, Scott.
Gary Hebert26-Jul-2006 23:48
a very colorful image Scott... :)
Guest 26-Jul-2006 23:12
perfect Scott
s_barbour26-Jul-2006 23:11
Beautifully composed with excellent detail to the Swallowtail.
Glad to hear that Will is getting better with each passing day!
Beverly Wickersham26-Jul-2006 22:56
Beautiful shot. Nice color, and good detail. Those swallowtails don't sit still for very long. Nice job. Vote.
beverley harrison26-Jul-2006 22:16
what a gorgeous shot , so calming!
Coleen Perilloux Landry26-Jul-2006 22:12
Very beautiful shot of the swallowtail. So nice to read the good news about Will.
laine8226-Jul-2006 21:43
That's such good news about Will, Scott. How is the other little lad doing, ?
Continued best to all.
Guest 26-Jul-2006 21:37
Very nice capture, perfect focus and superb colors. GMV.
Guest 26-Jul-2006 21:27
A real stunner scott. vote
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