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James Mason | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Brits in Vitez > Disaster on the wild road
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93 James Mason

Disaster on the wild road


This big truck, which was headed for Vitez, got too close to the edge of the road. The trees were keeping it from tumbling down a seriously long, steep hill. The UN was using this narrow and winding mountain road because the Serbs had all the good roads. I hope that next time the UN says "hey look Chedo, last time you had the good roads, so this time we'll be using them."

Leica M3 ,50mm Summicron,Kodak Tri-X 400

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Anthony Massey 10-Nov-2015 09:37
They aren't Bedfords, in fact. All the vehicles in this picture are Leyland DAF DROPS (Demountable Rack Offload and Pickup System), built for the British Army in the UK by the Leyland subsidiary of DAF. They were designed to take a standard ISO container as shown. Back in 1993 these trucks were pretty much brand new.
James Mason16-Dec-2013 07:16
These are British Army trucks painted white. So I assume they are manufactured by Bedford….but I don't know that for a fact. Hopefully one of the British soldiers will check in here and tell us.
Mile 15-Dec-2013 12:45
What kind of trucks are those? (I mean the manufacturer)
Roy Hunter 17-Nov-2010 10:26
Somewhere round there, in Nov 93, one of my Warriors slipped off the road as we withdrew from Central Bosnia about 4am in the morning down to TSG. The trees had no chance of holding it and it went about 50 yards down. Miraculously no injuries but a serious recovery job.