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Kerry Tingley | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Eastern Oregon in Early Spring (Updated) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Eastern Oregon in Early Spring (Updated)

The Klamath Basin is known for the Eagles that nest here over the winter (Klmath Basin boasts the largest population of Bald Eagles below Alaska- about 400 mating pairs in winter!).We saw several on these two days.The last one was taken last year on a sunnier day. All of the pictures are from Klamath County, Oregon. We also are a nesting stop for Canada Geese and all kinds of migratory fowl. We have several large refuges nearby.

Spring comes slowly here. We are at 4100 feet altitude in town, and the surrounding mountains go much higher. We've been known to have snow fall in June. When the flowers finally pop out, it is great celbration around here!
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