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Danny Yanai | all galleries >> Baby Sivan fighting for life >> Sivan's recovery July-Aug 2009 > IMG_3100.JPG
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Ganey-Tikva, Israel

Sivan is spending a weekend home, before going back Sunday to Jerusalem to start with rehab at the Alin hospital, where we hope she'll be able to walk again and get stronger.

Canon EOS 50D
1/50s f/2.8 at 43.0mm iso320 full exif

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the buller's girls 25-Jul-2009 18:10
áðåú éðàé äé÷øåú -ëîä àúï éôåú , ðøàä ëàéìå ðåìãúï ìòùåú ôåæåú ìîöìîä . ñéåï -àú îäîîú åàú ñúéå î÷ñéîä . áäöìçä îçø åîé ééúï ùîçø úäéä æå äúçìä çãùä ìøôåàä ùìîä . åàéï ñô÷ ùäáéú ùìëí äåà home sweet home
îáðåú áåìø ùàåäáåú àúëï , î÷ååú ùä"àôøåç" äú÷áì éôä ò"é ñéåï