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An old cemetery , near Hill End...
An old cemetery , near Hill End...
St. Michael and St.John's Cathedral, Bathurst...1861
St. Michael and St.John's Cathedral, Bathurst...1861
Wellington Cemetery.....
Wellington Cemetery.....
Holy Trinity Church..Bathurst...1835.
Holy Trinity Church..Bathurst...1835.
Holy Trinity Church..Bathurst..1835
Holy Trinity Church..Bathurst..1835
Back to Autumn..
Back to Autumn..
A small Church in country N.S.W.
A small Church in country N.S.W.
Holy Trinity Church, Bathurst...1835
Holy Trinity Church, Bathurst...1835
Holy Trinity Church, Bathurst...1835.
Holy Trinity Church, Bathurst...1835.
St. Barnabus Anglican Church...South Bathurst..
St. Barnabus Anglican Church...South Bathurst..
St.Mary's Cathedral..Sydney..
St.Mary's Cathedral..Sydney..
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