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William Shaheen | all galleries >> Astronomy - Astronomical objects, images and astronomy related projects >> Comet Collection > Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) 29-Dec-2014
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Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) 29-Dec-2014

Comet C/2014 Q2 (LOVEJOY) 29-Dec-2014 MST
81 exposures of 20 sec duration; 60 sec interval; starting 10:15pm MST. USA
Telescope configuration: Celestron EdgeHD 1400 with the Celestron 0.7x focal reducer (fl=2737, f/7.7), binned 2x2, yielding an image scale of 0.83 arc-seconds/pixel.

Camera: SBIG STF-8300M (monochrome) CCD camera operating at -20C and no filter.
Image capture using TSXPro/Camera Add-on. Post processing in ImagesPlus 5.0 and GIF Animator.

Click on Original size to activate the movie.

Note comet occults guide star GSC 6474:338 at 10:32pm MST (0532UT, 12/30/2014).


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