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William Shaheen | all galleries >> Astronomy - Astronomical objects, images and astronomy related projects >> Saturn Ring Tilt > Saturn 19-Jun-2014
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Saturn 19-Jun-2014

Telescope configuration: EdgeHD 1400 with no reducer and no barlow (fl=3910, f/11); Camera: Celestron NexImage 5 planetary imaging color camera, binned 2x2, yielding an image scale of 0.23 arc-seconds/pixel; captured with Celestron's iCap version 2.2 at 25 frames per second. Mount: Software Bisque Paramount MX with PEC enabled and ProTrack on. (North is up and east is to the left.)

60 sec video processed in RegiStax 6.1; Multiresolution sharpening using ImagesPlus 5.0.

For the corresponding video, see here:

To see how Saturn's ring system has changed since 2004, see

Saturn 14-06-19 21-26-18-IPadj.jpg

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