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Birds in the woods & fields

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Red-tailed hawk
Red-tailed hawk
Red-tailed hawk (juv):  SERIES
Red-tailed hawk (juv): SERIES
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Wild turkey
Wild turkey
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk
Red-tailed hawk
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Red-tailed hawk (juv)
Snowy owl: SERIES
Snowy owl: SERIES
Snowy owl
Snowy owl
Snowy owl
Snowy owl
Snowy owl
Snowy owl
Snowy Owl:  SERIES
Snowy Owl: SERIES
Wild turkeys :SERIES
Wild turkeys :SERIES
Wild turkeys
Wild turkeys
Wild turkey
Wild turkey
Wild turkey
Wild turkey
Wild turkey
Wild turkey
Song sparrow
Song sparrow
Black-capped chickadee
Black-capped chickadee
Gray catbird
Gray catbird
White-throated sparrow
White-throated sparrow
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Yellow-rumped warbler
Yellow-rumped warbler
American redstart (m)
American redstart (m)
Song sparrow (juv)
Song sparrow (juv)
Eastern kingbird
Eastern kingbird
Common yellowthroat (m)
Common yellowthroat (m)
Common yellowthroat (m)
Common yellowthroat (m)
Swamp sparrow
Swamp sparrow
Common grackles
Common grackles
Black-capped chickadees
Black-capped chickadees
Downy woodpecker (m):  SERIES
Downy woodpecker (m): SERIES
Common grackle (juv)
Common grackle (juv)
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