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Paul Caudill | profile | all galleries >> Summer 2004 - Puppets in Japan >> Out and About in Shiga-ken tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Out and About in Shiga-ken

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We're ready for high adventure in the wilds of Shiga prefecture!
We're ready for high adventure in the wilds of Shiga prefecture!
On my fly new ride
On my fly new ride
u47/wisefrog/medium/30398616.P6200013.jpg u47/wisefrog/medium/30398617.P6200014.jpg
u47/wisefrog/medium/30398619.P6200016.jpg The very scary Nishino Suido
The very scary Nishino Suido
u47/wisefrog/medium/30871538.P6220018.jpg u47/wisefrog/medium/30871539.P6220019.jpg
u47/wisefrog/medium/30871540.P6220020.jpg u47/wisefrog/medium/30871541.P6220021.jpg The Jodoshinshu temple in Tanaka Village
The Jodoshinshu temple in Tanaka Village
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