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©2006 Willa Dios

Four Month Old Welsh Pembroke Corgi


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Ramona 28-Sep-2007 10:30
My oh my, you're such a cute dog.
Naturephoto Monique11-May-2007 20:18
Hi cuty :)
Willa Dios02-Jan-2007 00:03
Yes, am I a sucker or what? I just LOVE him. He's definitely wired to be a 'working dog' (herder), but the only thing he can herd around here is 'Lily', shown here at the 'zoo': ;)
Georgia Roessler01-Jan-2007 23:39
Beautiful! Is this the new kid on the block??
Great photo set-up.
Why do I not see dog hairs all over that black velvet???
Guest 28-Dec-2006 20:22
A beautiful portrait. Sure is growing up.
Sheila27-Nov-2006 16:58
Excellent shot.
Sheila27-Nov-2006 16:58
By Appointment to the Queen. :-)
Dawid Wnuk Photography21-Oct-2006 13:39
Very cute, but also very well done photo. The bright dog on a black background creates a great contrast. V. Take care!
Dawid W.
John Lasseter10-Aug-2006 21:58
Such a sweet pup... :)
Vincent Belford13-Apr-2006 15:00
What a sweetie!
Isabel Cutler08-Apr-2006 19:13
So that's where you've been - training your corgi! He (she) is adorable!