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 Wenzel Photo Contest 2012
::  Wenzel Photo Contest 2012  ::
:: 2011 FOTO CONTEST ::
 In Box
::  In Box ::
Wenzel Photo Contest 2010
:: Wenzel Photo Contest 2010 ::
Wenzel Photo Contest 2009
:: Wenzel Photo Contest 2009 ::
:: Paintings ::
Dad's Paintings
:: Dad's Paintings ::
Old Photos
:: Old Photos ::
:: Gallery ::
Italy 2005
:: Italy 2005 ::
CUBA   2005
:: CUBA 2005 ::
West across Canada, East through the northern US
:: West across Canada, East through the northern US ::
Nova Scotia Shots
:: Nova Scotia Shots ::
:: newfoundland ::
Cottage on Caribou Island
:: Cottage on Caribou Island ::
:: Curios ::
Victoria Park
:: Victoria Park ::
Olympus SP570 UZ
:: Olympus SP570 UZ ::
 Paint the Park 2009
::  Paint the Park 2009 ::
Olympus C770 UZ photos
:: Olympus C770 UZ photos ::
Aftermath of Hurricane Juan   Truro and Halifax Public Gardens, NS
:: Aftermath of Hurricane Juan Truro and Halifax Public Gardens, NS ::
Crossley Carpets work Related
:: Crossley Carpets work Related ::
Family shots
:: Family shots ::
:: zolony ::
Cape Breton   October 2003
:: Cape Breton October 2003 ::
:: sp570_filter_holder ::
Hill Park High School Grad Day, 1967
:: Hill Park High School Grad Day, 1967 ::
Paint the Park 2010
:: Paint the Park 2010 ::