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Carl | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
I like pictures, I like to make them, I like to collect them and I like to look at them. Especially if they are pictures of my family, things I like to do or my friends.

This is my place on the web to share my photos with my friends.

I share my thoughts and more photos here at my blog:
Rose and Juan's Wedding
:: Rose and Juan's Wedding ::
 Matisyahu and Balkan Beat box Live at Stubb's BBQ 3/11/06
::  Matisyahu and Balkan Beat box Live at Stubb's BBQ 3/11/06 ::
Live music I have seen
:: Live music I have seen ::
Wallace Taekwondo Fun
:: Wallace Taekwondo Fun ::
 Family Photos
::  Family Photos ::
 What, where, who, why photos
::  What, where, who, why photos ::
More Jazz Fest and Mardi Gras Pictures
:: More Jazz Fest and Mardi Gras Pictures ::
The Great Outdoors
:: The Great Outdoors ::
 State School Band AKA Mudbelly and the Strat Cats Play Jackson Hill
::  State School Band AKA Mudbelly and the Strat Cats Play Jackson Hill ::
Go Gol Bordello Live at Stubb's 3/17/08 Austin, Texas
:: Go Gol Bordello Live at Stubb's 3/17/08 Austin, Texas ::
 First Street Arts Anniversary
::  First Street Arts Anniversary ::
2008 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival
:: 2008 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival ::
 Altura Musical
::  Altura Musical ::
 St Patrick's Catholic Church 2012 St. Pat's Festival Lufkin Texas
::  St Patrick's Catholic Church 2012 St. Pat's Festival Lufkin Texas ::
St. Patrick Festival Lufkin Texas 2011
:: St. Patrick Festival Lufkin Texas 2011 ::
Tuba/Accordion/Banjo/Guitar Fest at Pop's 80th Birthday Party
:: Tuba/Accordion/Banjo/Guitar Fest at Pop's 80th Birthday Party ::
PK Wedding
:: PK Wedding ::
Mary and Miguel's Wedding
:: Mary and Miguel's Wedding ::
 In Box
::  In Box ::