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William Barletta | all galleries >> Galleries >> New England > Eventually winter will return
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Eventually winter will return

Brookline, MA


Nikon D70
1/45s f/4.0 at 55.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
George McCarten02-Jul-2020 03:51
A beautiful frigid vista. Can't say that I miss being in this climate, but it does make for spectacular images, such as this.
Raymond Ma02-Jul-2020 01:15
A chilly bouquet of frost covered branches. Lovely in its delicate covering. V
Tom LeRoy30-Jun-2020 11:38
Every season has beauty and frosty trees are special and beautiful! Fine shot! V
Julie Oldfield30-Jun-2020 01:18
Wonderful beautiful winter. V
Nick Paoni29-Jun-2020 20:59
I can feel the chill already.
danad29-Jun-2020 16:11
A very beautiful winter scene. V.
Helen Betts29-Jun-2020 15:47
That sounds good right about now with the high temperatures and humidity we're having! Great capture of this winter trees. V.
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