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Victoria | all galleries >> A better world--The world in my eye >> UK cities >> Manchester,start discover here... > hug the hand to have fun
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hug the hand to have fun

Manchester night life

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1moremile11-Jan-2007 10:20
This is awesome for low light.
Greg Harp11-Jan-2007 05:05
Terrific low-light work.
Carole Stevens10-Jan-2007 16:08
The romantic in you Vicky, great timing!
fred_il10-Jan-2007 16:08
Fong Lam10-Jan-2007 14:33
Holding hands, so romantic. Nice night shot!
Fred Gary10-Jan-2007 14:18
Nice mood scene and good colors and shapes.
flowsnow10-Jan-2007 13:10
Nice shot Vic - night scene :D
Guest 10-Jan-2007 12:11
impressive night scene!
Guest 10-Jan-2007 11:49
Beautiful night silhouette
Bob White10-Jan-2007 11:23
Lovely night shot Vicky
Eric Carrère10-Jan-2007 11:21
Nice shot Victoria :)