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Tim van Woensel | all galleries >> Travel >> South Island, New Zealand > The Pancake Rocks, Punakaiki
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25-SEP-2007 T. van Woensel

The Pancake Rocks, Punakaiki

South Island, New Zealand

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Hernan E. Enriquez30-Jun-2009 10:21
Beautiful shot!
Zane Paxton02-Jun-2009 09:24
Amazing place! Great image!
Franco Pacelli03-Nov-2008 16:25
Great shot! V.
Al Swanson20-Feb-2008 19:12
Nice shot with perfect timing.
Guest 09-Feb-2008 23:52
that is neat what kind of rock is that it looks almost like a shelly limestone like a coquina or something from here but i am probalby way way off base
M Williamson Lebon01-Dec-2007 15:10
Wonderful!! V
SV17-Nov-2007 15:29
Nice capture. I like water gushing out of the rocks.
Ken Zaret13-Nov-2007 01:42
spectacular shapes and lighting, excellent use of the ultra-wide.
Jola Dziubinska12-Nov-2007 19:43
Fantastic and surreal landscape, well captured.