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other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jason Anderson22-May-2009 19:04
So you really can drive them on any terrain. That's handy!
Lee G13-Mar-2009 22:13
Perfect timeing to catch this! Poor folks!
Gennady Zaturensky24-Feb-2009 19:02
The Ford commercial gone wrong :-) ~V~
Jean-Michel Peers24-Feb-2009 14:56
Amazing image! 4 wheels drive reduced to 2, but on a single side...not easy to solve. Well seen!
Craig Godbold02-Feb-2009 20:16
hahah legendary! how you never got punched taking this...or did you?
Linda Matta02-Feb-2009 20:10
SUV = Stay Up Vehicle
Great catch...
Glen Sansoucie25-Jan-2009 03:45
You'd think there'd be a better way to get that driver's door opened!

Nice capture, good reason to carry the camera with you always.
Pawel Kazmierczyk24-Jan-2009 22:51
oops indeed... do they not teach them proper parallel parking these days?
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