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Thierry Lucas | all galleries >> Photo a day >> PAD 2007 > Digital memory
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Digital memory

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Homage to pioneers of photography :

the Lumičre (Light in french) brothers.

This picture is part of my Digital dreams gallery :

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 11-Dec-2008 20:43
Beautiful tones big vote!
jlm11-May-2007 18:44
Presque vrai !
NealyBob11-May-2007 16:56
Fantastic image~! Well done~! v
Judy Sinclair11-May-2007 15:52
Wonderful photo.......has an "old world" feel to it. ~V~
Katie Chew11-May-2007 13:31
Very nice. V
tomandlinda11-May-2007 09:20
Very nice,v
Guest 11-May-2007 07:52
A very good one too. well done.
Eric Carrčre11-May-2007 07:01
Beautiful Thierry :o)
QUERIDO11-May-2007 06:58
Beautiful shot,vote
Dan Ng11-May-2007 05:35
This really has the effect of a turn-of-the-century postcard. Great work. V.
Guest 11-May-2007 05:10
Oui, il y a de ca, dans ce grain et ce sepia.
Paco López11-May-2007 04:59
Excellent!!!!! v!
tomr-photos11-May-2007 03:54
Nice to see a new addition. I really like the "feel" of old with this one.
Sam Stevenson11-May-2007 00:58
Very cool image.
Guest 11-May-2007 00:27
Well done! V