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Thierry Lucas | all galleries >> Photo a day >> PAD 2006 > The Butterfly constellation
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The Butterfly constellation

This photo is part of my new gallery : Digital Dreams

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Sheila27-Jun-2007 14:53
Terry Thormin31-Dec-2006 18:53
Man I wish this was real! Very ingenious. Vote
Jean Chiasson28-Dec-2006 01:34
Fantastic Thierry vote
De'Carr Studio27-Dec-2006 04:14
Excellent!! Vote.
Jay Levin27-Dec-2006 03:26
Wow. This is absolutely terrific, Thierry. Vote
NealyBob27-Dec-2006 02:06
How wonderful & creative~! V
Ray Rebortira26-Dec-2006 04:15
Brilliant and positively cosmic!!!
Guest 25-Dec-2006 19:33
great work,v.
Guest 25-Dec-2006 18:42
wow what a beautiful catch
merry X'mas my friend !!
flowsnow25-Dec-2006 18:28
Beauty! ~V
Guest 25-Dec-2006 17:59
How wonderful! V
Eric Carrčre25-Dec-2006 17:30
Magnifique Thierry, mon vote :o)
akleja25-Dec-2006 17:06
Beautifully done! Merry Christmas to you too!
Katie Chew25-Dec-2006 16:16
Very creative!