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LBM Photography | all galleries >> All Things Tremont >> Tremonts Lincoln Park - Cleveland Ohio > 19th century victorian
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19th century victorian

west 11th and starkweather

this was actually my first rental in tremont in 1987. rented the place with 2 other roomies while place was being refurbished and ready for sale..

Olympus E-10
2s f/4.0 at 9.0mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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jon 04-Feb-2008 18:35
Was just wondering if you knew the adress of this house .
i think i might of lived there about 1970
i house i lived in was the second one on the cornor,
at that cornor if you went left you would run into tremont school.
but this photo sure reminded me of a place of long ago.
i also remember the house had a huge back yard because the lot behind it was emtey.
and the front did have a wroth iron fence.
anyway thank you for a memory.....jon
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