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Philip Game | profile | all galleries >> Western Pacific, 2013 (9 galleries) >> Return to Honiara (2013) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Norfolk Island | Riviere Bleue Provincial Park, New Caledonia | Rennell and Makira Islands (Solomon Islands) | Honiara, Solomon Islands | Kolombangara, Solomon Islands | Return to Honiara (2013) | Kavieng, New Ireland (PNG) | New Ireland's East Coast | New Britain, PNG

Return to Honiara (2013)

These images were captured with Nikon D300 using RAW format.

Honiara is not the most engaging of Pacific island capitals, but the central market, the inter-island shipping docks and the busy, scruffy, shopping strip do lend a few hours interest - particularly on arrival from the outer islands.

Departing Honiara, a sea voyage northbound through 'The Slot', of Second World War fame, offers grand panoramas of forested ranges and immense cloudbanks.

The Solomons in 2009.

Sunrise over Honiara harbour
Sunrise over Honiara harbour
Central market seen from the water
Central market seen from the water
Waterfront storage tanks with the parliament building behind
Waterfront storage tanks with the parliament building behind
Coastwatchers' memorial,  newly inaugurated at , Santa Cruz
Coastwatchers' memorial, newly inaugurated at , Santa Cruz
In-your-face: the national parliament building
In-your-face: the national parliament building
Inter-island steamer in dock
Inter-island steamer in dock
Waiting to board a ship
Waiting to board a ship
At the central market
At the central market
Market vendor, Honiara
Market vendor, Honiara
At the central market
At the central market
At the central market, Honiara
At the central market, Honiara
At the central market
At the central market
At the central market
At the central market
At the central market
At the central market
Outside the central market
Outside the central market
Outside the central market
Outside the central market
Outside the central market
Outside the central market
Delightful downtown Mendana Avenue
Delightful downtown Mendana Avenue
Guadalcanal coast, Solomon Islands
Guadalcanal coast, Solomon Islands
Guadalcanal coast, Solomon Islands
Guadalcanal coast, Solomon Islands
Guadalcanal coast, Solomon Islands
Guadalcanal coast, Solomon Islands