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Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal | all galleries >> Galleries >> Other wildlife >> Insects >> Butterflies > Malachietvlinder - Malachite - Siproeta stelenes
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Malachietvlinder - Malachite - Siproeta stelenes

Costa Rica, Lapaz Waterfall Gardens

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Hennie & Lies Lammers25-Dec-2016 14:10
Prachtige foto Ton. V
Walter Otto Koenig23-Dec-2016 18:09
Superb detail, colros and depth of field. So well photographed. "V"
Ton T.23-Dec-2016 17:05
Wow! Prachtig Ton. Wat een schoonheid V
Tom Munson23-Dec-2016 16:23
Terrific image of this beauty, Ton. Sharp and love that perch.
Helen Betts23-Dec-2016 14:07
What a great capture of this beautiful butterfly, with marvelous color. It looks very much like one I photographed here, so it's nice to know what it is! V.
Juliette23-Dec-2016 13:43
schitterend.. de transparantie van delen van de vleugels komt mooi uit ! V
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