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Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birding trips >> Mallorca trip May 2013 > Purperkoet - Purple Swamphen - Porphyrio porphyrio
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Purperkoet - Purple Swamphen - Porphyrio porphyrio

Mallorca, Spain

Nikon D300 ,Sigma 500mm f/4.5 EX APO HSM
1/800s f/7.1 at 500.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ann Pettigrew24-Jul-2013 17:55
Superb, Ton!! They are such strangely built birds with those feet! What great timing! BV
MarcViskens10-Jul-2013 18:23
walking on water
very nice
Jean Chiasson09-Jul-2013 22:17
Spectacular shot action Ton vote
Fabienne09-Jul-2013 20:29
WOW, absolument magnifique. Cet oiseau semblant marcher sur l'eau est photographié avec beaucoup de talent.
Tom LeRoy09-Jul-2013 14:54
Fantastic action shot, Ton! Very dynamic and beautiful bird. V
Lieve Snellings09-Jul-2013 09:16
Prachtig die lange stelten loper in volle actie Ton !
Een schitterend beeld ! BV
Lennart Waara09-Jul-2013 07:59
A wonderful photo and a great moment captured!
Sonja Ross09-Jul-2013 01:24
Wonderful action shot - not easy with these birds!
Pierre Martin08-Jul-2013 23:00
great action shot!!
fast on the trigger
Milan Vogrin08-Jul-2013 18:01
Beautiful shot!V!
Robert Houde08-Jul-2013 17:47
Wonderful shoot in action. Bravo Ton.
Gerard Koehl08-Jul-2013 15:51
Excellente prise très dynamique. V
Bert Ooms08-Jul-2013 15:38
Hink-stap-sprong over het water. Prachtig gezicht!!
V groet,
Hennie & Lies Lammers08-Jul-2013 14:12
Ik wist niet dat Ze over water konden lopen!
Mooie actie foto goede timing....V
Peter Stahl08-Jul-2013 13:39
Excellent action . Very nice capture Ton! :-))
Carol Rollins08-Jul-2013 13:29
Perfect timing to catch this moving pose! Love this shot.
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet08-Jul-2013 13:21
A fantastic and impressive picture.
Suzanne Lanthier08-Jul-2013 13:16
What a shot ! Bravo Ton !
Pierre08-Jul-2013 13:09
Wow, quelle photo d'action! Une image très réussie! V
Irena Jurecic08-Jul-2013 12:53
Walking on the water. Wonderful catch! V
Stephanie08-Jul-2013 12:41
Amazing capture of this gorgeous bird! The legs are huge! V
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