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Tom LeRoy | all galleries >> Wheels >> Mercedes Benz Museum > 1939 Mercedes-Benz 320
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8-Jul-2012 T.A.LeRoy

1939 Mercedes-Benz 320

Mercedes Benz Museum, Stuttgart Germany

Mercedes offered several "streamlined" body styles to the public.
The 320 was one of them. Even though the streamlined body had
minimal effects on fuel consumption and top speed, the vehicle was seen
as a stylish means of travelling. 5097 were produced from 1937 until late 1942
when the German heavy industry had to switch to war production.
6-cylinders, 3405 cc, 78-horsepower @ 4000 RPM, 126 km/h top speed

Canon PowerShot S95
1/640s f/2.0 at 6.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
prefect23-Mar-2013 09:18
Graeme08-Mar-2013 09:12
Its a real beauty, Tom.BV
Sam_C11-Feb-2013 08:18
Awesome. How I wish I could ride this! V++
Dennis Hoyne09-Feb-2013 03:25
What a beauty! I want one.
woody3408-Feb-2013 23:22
That's still a mighty looking motor car...perfect presentation...V
Frank Brault08-Feb-2013 22:20
A beautiful and very stylish car. Beautifully photographed. V
MarcViskens08-Feb-2013 17:46
what a beauty
very nice Tom
Irene Wehrli08-Feb-2013 12:35
Beautiful oldtimer - love the mudguards and the footboard, reminds me of old films with those gangsters..
ac08-Feb-2013 10:17
Always well lit, great museum.
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