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Tom Murray | profile | all galleries >> Arthropods - Arthropoda >> Insects - Insecta >> Butterflies - Lepidoptera >> New England Butterflies tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

New England Butterflies

Here's a bunch of butterflies I've seen in the northeast.
The newest pictures will be put in at the end of the gallery for a short time, then put in taxanomic order, or close to it.
:: Swallowtails ::
Whites and Sulphurs
:: Whites and Sulphurs ::
:: Harvester ::
:: Coppers ::
Hairstreaks and Elfins
:: Hairstreaks and Elfins ::
Blues and Azures
:: Blues and Azures ::
Fritillaries and Checkerspots
:: Fritillaries and Checkerspots ::
Anglewings and Other Brushfoots
:: Anglewings and Other Brushfoots ::
Browns and Satyrs
:: Browns and Satyrs ::
Spread-winged Skippers
:: Spread-winged Skippers ::
Grass Skippers
:: Grass Skippers ::
Mount Greylock Butterfly Trip
:: Mount Greylock Butterfly Trip ::
Saratoga Springs Butterflies 5/31/04
:: Saratoga Springs Butterflies 5/31/04 ::