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Return Trip From London Boatshow 18th January 2006

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Returning from the pontoon dock (Royal Victoria Dock)
Returning from the pontoon dock (Royal Victoria Dock)
It's lonely out there!    (Royal Albert Dock)
It's lonely out there! (Royal Albert Dock)
Not often planes take off alongside you!
Not often planes take off alongside you!
Turning towards the lock past University of East London
Turning towards the lock past University of East London
Aeroplanes landing over our heads!
Aeroplanes landing over our heads!
Entering the lock - It's big!
Entering the lock - It's big!
Another plane lands
Another plane lands
Went for a spin around the other (King George V)  dock
Went for a spin around the other (King George V) dock
Only needed the gates to make a short lock
Only needed the gates to make a short lock
Commercial Traffic!
Commercial Traffic!
The gates open ...
The gates open ...
...and they're off!
...and they're off!
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