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Animals Up Close

This is the ONLY gallery that contains images of captive animals. All other galleries on this site show only birds and animals in the wild, in their natural habitat.

Also check out my photo Blog HERE.
33700 - Jaguar 7060E -  Jackson 09724c - Mandril 00170 - Leopard 24902w  Giraffe
33707c3 - Jaguar 23725c - Gorilla 33920 - Baby Mandrill 00174c - Leopard 33908 - Gorilla
14103A 31719 - Polar bears 21262 - 5458 - Lion 43326c
33901 - Gorilla 22648 - Emu 12249 -Elephant 38526c - Cheetahs 14000c -- Leopard
12332 - Baby Chimp 33916c - Baby Mandrill 33905 - Gorilla 16993 - Ostrich 32730 - Baby Koala
10781 - Baby Racoon 12881 - Giraffe 33682 - Kudu 12212 - Baby White Rhino 31675 - Baby Gorilla
21081 - Lemurs 5435 - Tiger 11951c - Smiling Gator 1701c - Tiger 23719c - Lion
36472c - Gator at Paines Prarie 6930E  - Goliath Heron 12549 - Kudu 6859 - Giraffe 6803E - Gorilla
12187 - Kudu 23898c - Turtle 16805 - Elephant 12263 - Giraffe 16900 - Jaguar
12555  - Wood Stork 10796 - Gator in the reflections 21064c - Gorilla 24868 - Giraffe 32901c2 - Gorilla
12207 - Baby White Rhino nursing 33236 - Giraffe 3244 - Goliath Heron 33235c - Giraffe 1599c - Elephant
12387 - Jaguar 15523 - Kodiak Bear 15371c - Caiman Lizard 43096 - Jaguar 5431 - Tiger
23406 - Gator 16818c - Gorilla head shot 5445 - Yawning Tiger 24822w Florida Panther 16997 - Gator
21329 - Gorilla 15554A 7018 - Gator 12363 - Silver back 3363 - Gator
23617c - Cheetah 15507 - Kodiak Bear 5392 - Elephants 12563 - Zebra 12341 - Zoo Keeper and Chimp
23943c - Gator 1D-00322c 14761 13907Rc 21329
32939c - White Rhinoceros 23056 -  Squirrel 22538 -  White Tail Deer 22544  White Tail Deer 5348 - Panda
24861 -  Meerkat 30500 - Egret for breakfast 15550 - Kodiak Bear 15484A 15496c
14114 15505 - Kodiak Bear 15537 - Kodiak Bear 10798 - Lurking in the reflections 34045 - Kudu
33736 - Jaguar 33713c - Jaguar 34034 - Kudu 31650 - Gorilla 16579 - White Rhinoceros
33914 - Mandrill 7059E Jackson