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through_the_lens | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cindy Flood, USA > I'm over the moon for you....
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29-Aug-2013 Cindy Flood

I'm over the moon for you....

Oshkosh, WI

Today, I went with a group of photographers to M Shettl, Oshkosh. The TV show RoadAmerica, made this place a tourist stop. It is filled with the most amazing collection of goofy stuff that you have ever seen.

Leica M9 ,Leica 50 f/1.4 Summilux ASPH
1/500s f/5.7 at 50.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Cindy Flood01-Sep-2013 01:30
Woops, Pat, thank you for your support!
Cindy Flood01-Sep-2013 01:30
Thank you, Michael, Hal, Terry, Shirley and Lynn. I appreciate your comments.
LynnH31-Aug-2013 23:42
I love stuff like this. Very cool!
Being Me31-Aug-2013 04:02
Or would you like to swing on a star, carry moonbeams home in a jar?
Love this one!

Terry_O30-Aug-2013 02:59
Love this, Cindy. What a great find!! Wonderfully sharp and beautifully composed.
hal 30-Aug-2013 02:18
l couldn't figure this from the thumbnail.
lt looked like a crab's nippers.
A most novel design in every way. More so than the Green Cheese version.
Looks like a fun place. Well taken Cindy !
Guest 30-Aug-2013 00:41
Lovely light and excellent detail...a beautiful shot Great fun caught here.
Michael Edwards30-Aug-2013 00:16
Well, we think you're pretty special, too, Mrs. Flood...
The sharpness and glow of this shot can only be Leica...